Latest Developments
Reorganized quite a bit of code into functions and header files.
Finished documenting the source code. It is much more readable now.
Further reorganization and cleanup of code.
Reworked color code, setting a color is now as simple as calling a function of the same name.
Began work on new game creation and character generation.
Finished implementing pdcurses throughout the code.
Began using colors.
Completely revamped static dungeon generation. Static dungeon designs may now be stored within human-readable
text files.
Playing with pdcurses. Most of the code now uses the fancy new functions, but a little work is still required.
Began using pdcurses library, and as such I am now in the process of converting all of the input/output code to use
the fancy new functions that have become available.
Dungeon generation: When a hallway has been generated and does not connect to a room,
the next proposed feature should attempt to follow off of this hallway.
Dungeon generation: Made the random dungeon generator try harder to place stairs far apart.
Dungeon generation: Added new checks for halls to rooms ratio to cut out levels generated with rediculous
numbers of hallways.
Continuing to document the source code.
Moved project to SVN for increased productivity(plus I feel safer now).
Fixed some issues with stairs and infinite loops in dungeon generation.
Major documentation of the source code is ongoing.
Dungeon generation: Added code to prevent infinite loops in dungeon generation.
I have begun documenting all of the source code thoroughly, and writing up other reference documents to aid in development.